Check and feel better about your code!

(c) 1999-2005 by Ralph Jocham (rjocham72@netscape.net)
JCSC is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License




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Rules Editor UI

The graphical Rules Editor assists in creating the appropriate rules. The rules are grouped into three groups on different tabs.
  • General 
  • Field
  • Method
  • JavaDoc
  • Metrics
  • JUnit
Each rule in the set of rules is explained in Java showing a real life example.


Also, a Regexp compiler which assists in generating regular expression.


Ant is the state of the art make tool. In order to support Ant and to benefit from it, JCSC does provide an Ant task. (see the description here)
The Ant task provides two different ways of using it. Requires Ant 1.5.
  1. To parse one file, i.e. to be used a plugin into IDE supporting Ant
  2. To parse a whole package tree of classes, i.e.  to check a whole project during a build (see CruiseControl). The output is similar to a that of JavaDoc and be viewed with a XSLT complient browser (tested with IE6+ with SP1 and Mozilla1+).
Speed: On a P4/1.6 GHz, 1,000 classes are parsed in ~30 secs.

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a very powerful commercial IDE. For installation go to this link. This plugin is still in development (any kind of feedback is appreciated) but stable.


CruiseControl is an open source Continious Integraction tool. JCSC can easily be integrated into CruiseControl which means, that after each check in, your codebase will be parsed and the results will appear on the CruiseControl web page.

How to setup:

  • add the JCSC entry to the cruisecontrol web page; see the JCSC_HOME/html/xml/xsl/CC2/buildresults.jsp.example
  • in the webapps/cruisecontrol folder create a logs/jcsc folder
  • copy the JCSC_HOME/html/xml/xsl folder into the logs/jcsc folder
  • copy the files generated by the JCSC run into the webapps/cruisecontrol/logs/jcsc folder
  • merge the JCSC overview.xml generated by the JCSC Ant task into the log.xml file in the cruisecontrol config.xml
<log dir="<drive_path>/cruisecontrol-2-0-2/logs" encoding="ISO-8859-1">
  <merge file="<drive_path>/cruisecontrol-2-0-2/logs/jcsc/overview.xml" />
  • update the cruisecontrol.bat (or cruisecontrol.sh) to include the JCSC.jar.  For some strange reasons about XML processing, you have to add the JCSC.jar file before the cruisesontol.jar file. Below is a example for the .bat version.

    set CRUISE_PATH=%CRUISE_PATH%;%JCSC_HOME%\lib\JCSC.jar;%DISTDIR%\cruisecontrol.jar; ...

  • if you have problems contact me

Last updated on 2005-07-01 19:32