Check and feel better about your code!

(c) 1999-2005 by Ralph Jocham (rjocham72@netscape.net)
JCSC is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License




How to get


Remote Tools

SourceForge Logo

How to get


The latest release of JCSC can be downloaded from the Sourceforge JCSC download page.
Developers get the latest source from the CVS repository.


Command Line

  1. get the latest JCSC.zip from the download page
  2. extract the file to the wished folder; it creates a jcsc folder
  3. set a JCSC_HOME environment variable to point to the jcsc folder
  4. add JCSC_HOME/bin to your system PATH
  5. you need J2SE 1.3 or higher to run JCSC.
  6. make sure that JAVA_HOME/bin is on your system PATH


  1. Install the command line of JCSC
  2. put the JCSC.jar, gnu-regexp.jar, xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar into the Ant lib folder

IntelliJ IDEA

  1. get the latest JCSC.zip from the download page (if you have not the command line version installed)
  2. get the latest intellijJCSC.zip from the download page
  3. extract the intellijJCSC.zip file into the <IntelliJIDEA>/plugins folder
  4. do this step only if you have NOT JCSC already installed -- extract the JCSC.zip file to a temporary place
  5. copy the from the lib folder the JSCS.jar file into <IntelliJIDEA>/plugins/jcsc/lib folder
  6. open IntelliJ IDEA, goto Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) and click on intellijJCSC
    1. set a Rules files -- mandatory
    2. set Fail Severity -- optional
    3. set Fail Vio/NCSS Ration -- optional

JCSC Developers (if you want to make changes to the JCSC code)

Required Packages

J2SE 1.3 or higher

See the JavaSoft website and get it from here.

JavaCC Compiler

JavaCC is the state of the art Java Compiler Compiler. It was originaly developed by Sun Microsystems. After a long journey through different owners it is now open source.

You need JavaCC 3.2 from here.

Last updated on 2004-04-23 22:24