SkimDeep is a Java Jar Dependency browser. It shows all the
inter-jar-depencies from all jar files within a directory tree. Also,
you can identify in which jar file a specific class can be found.
SkimDeep is a great tool for building and refining existing classpathes
or for looking up classes.
Supported OS: Should
run on all Java platforms. Tested on Windows and Mac OS X.
How does it work and how to set it up
No Setup - just start SkimDeep using webstart.
Libs Root points
to the root folder from within all jar files are being analyzed.
Parse do the jar
file parsing
Search for a class
all the jar files
Libs Root
Enter or use the browse button to the path of the root library folder.
starts the parsing. It descends recursevly all the subfolders takes
every jar file and analyzes all the dependencies for each class within
it. Parsing might take a while; while parsing a busy cursor is
The UI is structured in four columns:
JAR Files shows all the
jar files which have been found and parsed within the Libs Root folder.
Dependent JARs shows all
the jar files which are depending on the selected jar file in the JAR Files column
Dependency JARs shows all
the jar files the selected jar file in JAR
Files is depending on.
Used Classes of dependency JAR
lists the classes which are used from the selected jar file in JAR Files in the Dependency JARs column.
Ie. JCSC.jar, ant-antlr.jar, ...
in the Dependent JARs column
are depending on ant.jar
which itself is depending on ant-apache-bsf.jar,
ant-apache-resolver.jar, ... in the Dependency JARs column. ant.jar uses all the classes
shown in the Used classes of
dependency JAR column from the xml-apis.jar in the Dependency JARs column.
If you hoover over any jar file the file path is being displayed. This
is useful if a jar file appears more then once.
Find (Regexp)
Enter a regular expression for a clas your are looking for and press
the Search button.
All the jar files containing this class are shown in a new dialog.
Select the the jar file of interest and press OK. The main window will then
display this jar as selected jar file in the JAR files column.
Ralph Jocham
Last modified: Thu Mar 15 22:21:07 PT